Space Industry to Meet in Traverse City Aug. 29-31

Sterling Heights-based Michigan Aerospace Manufacturers Association is conducting its annual North American Space Summit, Aug. 29-31, in Traverse City. The event’s theme is “LEO: The New Gold Rush.”
The annual North American Space Summit will take place in Traverse City Aug. 29-31. // Courtesy of MAMA
The annual North American Space Summit will take place in Traverse City Aug. 29-31. // Courtesy of MAMA

Sterling Heights-based Michigan Aerospace Manufacturers Association is conducting its annual North American Space Summit, Aug. 29-31, in Traverse City. The event’s theme is “LEO: The New Gold Rush.”

LEO, which stands for low Earth orbit, is the topic for many of the leaders in government and defense, automotive, business, and aerospace who will be speaking about their initiatives to lead the world in new technology, capabilities, services, and innovation in near-earth and low-Earth orbit.

Attendees are expected to learn about the opportunities for commercial organizations to grow this nearly $424 billion industry, the benefits and prospects of government partnerships, as well as industry issues, trends and the latest technology.

The summit will feature more than 30 educational and networking sessions for attendees to learn about the next generation of space-enabled communications, autonomous vehicle technology, space supply chains, government applications, funding sources, and more.

Sure to get a lot of attention at the summit is the Michigan Launch Initiative, which is hoped to become the epicenter of the commercial space ecosystem of mid-America. Updates about licensing, building, and operating plans for three proposed facilities that will create a space harbor in Michigan are scheduled.

Also on the agenda are discussions about space-enabled communications and advanced mobility, or SECAM, which could be the leading system for research, development, and deployment of the next frontier of communication networks. By collaborating with a diverse group of key stakeholders, SECAM will enable the speed-to-market capabilities of the commercial industry to accelerate national and global 5G connectivity. Satellite constellations could deliver a significant breakthrough in reliability and responsiveness as well as breadth of coverage necessary to provide intelligent mobility systems.

To register for the summit, visit here. To explore sponsorship opportunities, visit here.