Providence Hospital in Southfield will become one of the first institutions in the nation to enroll patients in a study that investigates a device that could help lower blood pressure in patients with uncontrolled hypertension.
“Uncontrolled high blood pressure is one of the greatest threats to patients in metro Detroit,” says Dr. Shukri David, chief of cardiology at the Providence Heart Institute and the principal investigator of the trials. “We are proud to have been selected to take part in these groundbreaking trials, and look forward to helping identify which patients might be the most appropriate for this investigational treatment.”
Two new global clinical trials will investigate the effect of renal denervation with the Symplicity Spyral catheter and the Symplicity G3 radiofrequency generator. Renal denervation is a minimally-invasive procedure in which a catheter emits a radio frequency, potentially calming the activity of nerves within the arteries leading to the kidneys. The nerves are part of the sympathetic nervous system, which helps the body control blood pressure.
The trials are part of the medical device company, Medtronic’s, clinical trial program, a multi-phased study.​