With an office in Rochester Hills, iziSurvey — a digital platform that offers the ability to create custom surveys while lowering data collection costs and human errors — will launch Wednesday.
The platform was initially developed as an internal tool to serve the needs of its developers, former professors from the University of Kentucky and St. John’s University in New York. After receiving positive feedback from several major companies and universities, the developers took the program a step further.
“We wanted to develop a problem solving and a user friendly survey platform for our internal use, which incorporated features not found elsewhere,” says Mergim Cahani, CEO of iziSurvey. “However, after the first version, we saw a big potential for its commercialization.”
The platform can serve researchers in various academic disciplines, as well as big and small companies involved in data collection and research. It works on mobile devices, and can be performed online and offline. Survey management, survey creation, detailed reporting, and exporting, is done on the iziSurvey.com portal.
In addition to common features of a standard survey platform, iziSurvey offers random digit dialing technology for cell phone surveying and, with the help of a headset, makes it possible to easily fill in the questionnaire on the same device from where the interviewer is calling.
Further, in order to minimize the negative effect of answers by distracted respondents (often they pick the first or the last choice from a list of optional responses offered by the questionnaire), iziSurvey provides a randomly reshuffled order of response options for each question.
The platform — which has already collected more than 500,000 survey responses — supports all Android devices. It is expected to be available via the iPhone, iPad, Windows, and web support in the next couple of months.
In addition to operating an office in Rochester Hills, iziSurvey received non-disclosed financial funding from the region, while part of the engineering team is based in Kosovo.