New Mobile-Friendly Map Helps Foodies Find Elusive Morels throughout Northern Michigan


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has created a mobile-friendly map to help mushroom hunters find morels in Northern Michigan in the spring.

“We’ve created this map to give our customers the information they are looking for in a mobile-friendly, easily accessible package,” says Paul Kollmeyer, resource protection manager for the Department of Natural Resources Forest Resources Division.

Morels are edible mushrooms that resemble a honeycomb and are typically used in French cuisine. Morels are often added to pasta, risotto, and meat dishes.

Kollmeyer says morel mushrooms are typically found in places where large fires occurred the year before, especially in forested areas. Morels are less likely to be found in sunny or grassy areas. ?

“While the map may provide details on the covertype that was burned, it’s up to the user to investigate whether morel mushrooms are growing at any location on the map,” Kollmeyer says.

The map provides forest covertype information, latitude and longitude coordinates, and state land boundary information. 

To download the map, click here