New Cloud Computing, IT Company Launches in Royal Oak


Slingshot Cloud Services, offering cloud computing and information technology managed services aimed at assisting startups and small- to medium-sized businesses manage their backend data needs, has opened in Royal Oak.

“Slingshot Cloud Services offers an important new Michigan resource for any business, or manufacturing industry that requires both highly secure infrastructure and ready access to their company data,” says Vincent Barrett, CEO of Birmingham Capital, a financial service firm and the parent company of Slingshot Cloud Services.

Barrett says Slingshot Cloud Services, located at 1415 Delemere Ave., offers foundational infrastructure support such as hosting users' applications and handling tasks including IaaS, system maintenance, backup, security, and resiliency planning. He says Slingshot Cloud Services builds custom and hybrid clouds. Slingshot Cloud Services’ data centers are located in Southeast Michigan.

Barrett says Slingshot was formed through Birmingham Capital’s acquisition of the financial management firm Munder Capital’s infrastructure, employing its engineering team and re-launching as the new Slingshot Cloud Services.

“As Oakland County grows as a business and technology center, we are delighted to welcome new enterprises like Slingshot Cloud Services, which offer a convenient local option for data storage and IT services,” says Greg Doyle, manager of the Oakland County One Stop Business Center.