New Book from Quality Guru Perry Johnson Outlines Government Spending Plan

“Two Cents to Save America,” the new book from Michigan quality control expert Perry Johnson, founder of Troy’s Perry Johnson Registrars Inc., and a 2024 presidential candidate, outlines the businessman’s plans for the nation’s economic policy and more.
The new book from quality control guru Perry Johnson is now available. // Courtesy of Perry Johnson Publishing House Inc.
The new book from quality control guru Perry Johnson is now available. // Courtesy of Perry Johnson Publishing House Inc.

“Two Cents to Save America,” the new book from Michigan quality control expert Perry Johnson, founder of Troy’s Perry Johnson Registrars Inc., and a 2024 presidential candidate, outlines the businessman’s plans for the nation’s economic policy and more.

The biggest promotion for the book came on Super Bowl Sunday, when Johnson ran a satirical ad featuring Democratic politicians “stuffed” from bloated government spending. On the topic of the ad, Johnson says it was “an effective use of satire to shock the American people to inform them about Democratic spending.”

“We live in the most upwardly mobile in the history of humanity. But the American dream is being taken away by federal spending,” he says. “Everyone should be offended.”

In his book, Johnson argues the inflationary pressures currently hampering most households across the U.S. are a direct result of Democratic government spending policies. One of his examples is oil, citing President Joe Biden’s later-reversed pause on the new auction of oil and gas drilling rights in federal lands and waters.

“We now drill on approximately 2 percent of the acreage we did before (Biden). It’s the reason we had to buy oil from Russia, supplement the war, and put ourselves in this position,” says Johnson. “We’re paying $3 per gallon right now when we should be paying $1.75.”

The “permanent diet” Johnson calls for is a 2 percent cut on federal spending every year going forward. Reducing federal spending in this way, he says, is the best way to keep the American dream alive.

He states that “the government creates a problem that can take away the American dream,” when its spending is bloated, leaving Americans with limited purchasing power, and in many cases, unable or struggling to afford necessities such as housing, food, and transportation.

“We need to start using some common sense. People don’t recognize when the government spends money that they’re really spending our money,” he says. “Keep the money in the hands of the people. People should have the right to keep more of their money and spend it. (It’s how) we live better lives.”

To learn more or obtain a free copy of the book, click here.