New At-home Veterinarian Service to Open in Downtown Detroit


A new downtown Detroit-based, at-home veterinarian company called PetCalls will begin offering its services to the city and region starting on Oct. 20. The company’s vet team will see dogs, cats, horses, lizards, snakes, and more.

Operating out of a 2,500-square-foot headquarters at 1514 Washington Blvd., PetCalls will allow owners to call or go online to request a veterinarian to visit their animal at their home. House calls start at $59 and services include digital X-ray, ultrasound, K-laser, lab tests, vaccinations, and other treatments.

PetCalls will also offer an ePet digital database to customers, which gives pet owners access to medical records for their animals.

“We’re launching in Detroit but I see this service spreading rapidly across the country,” says Kimberly Jackson, CEO of PetCalls. “Our medical professionals are all animal lovers who want to help their patients in an environment where they are most comfortable, home.”

She says the target audience for the service is homeowners, apartment renters, senior citizens, and Millennials.

The business, which will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, has three vets and veterinary technicians on staff. As the volume increases, Jackson says she will bring more medical staff on board.

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