Military Leaders to Discuss Future of Tactical Vehicle Fleet in Detroit


The Institute for Defense and Government Advancement will bring together some of the U.S. military’s key decision makers in Detroit to discuss upgrading its fleet and future vehicle acquisition projects during a summit to be held in March.

“The conference itself is aiming to create a creative and innovative atmosphere, where military leaders can sit in the same room as industry leaders and academia and together, create the next level of vehicle the military is looking for,” says Brian Wharton, conference director.

Featuring more than 20 speakers, the summit will cover topics such as the future of ultra lightweight combat vehicles, ultra-light tactical mobility and the expeditionary force, and mine-resistant ambush-proof vehicles.

“With the recent vehicle programs and modernization initiatives in the military vehicle fleets, it is especially important for industry to get involved and present new and innovative ideas to the military,” says Col. Robert Kmiecik, director of mounted requirements at the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence. “This conference is an example of an excellent opportunity to do just that.”

Wharton says the organization decided to host the event in Detroit considering the city’s history and standing in the automotive industry.

“It is the home of a lot of automotive and military complexes and support structures that are going to be producing vehicles of one sort or another, so it just makes sense to have it in Detroit,” Wharton says.

For more information about the event, to be held March 16-18 at a soon-to-be-announced location, visit