Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority Seeks Development Proposals for Detroit House of Corrections Property


The Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority today announced it is seeking proposals to acquire and redevelop the approximately 120-acre former Detroit House of Corrections property along Five Mile Rd. in Plymouth Township.

The land bank acquired the property, often called DeHoCo, in 2015 and demolition began earlier this year with a $2.2 million investment to prepare the site for sale and redevelopment.

“Our primary mission is to take unproductive properties and return them to productive, tax-capturing use,” says Josh Burgett, director of the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. “DeHoCo has been an eyesore; sitting unproductive for far too long. With the investment by the land bank and the work of Plymouth Township partners, we’ve created an opportunity to help the entire area eliminate blight and attract new business.”

The former correctional facility has been vacant since 2004, limiting development in the area. The Michigan Land Bank’s investment removed blighted buildings and paved the way for the state to open a request for proposals period.

The vision for the property includes being part of the Michigan International Technology Center (MITC), an advanced technology business part in the Five Mile corridor in Plymouth Township. The MITC includes high-tech firms in the automotive and life sciences sectors, recreation space, and service businesses.

A mandatory property site inspection is planned for Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. and potential bidders are required to attend. Questions will not be accepted at the property inspection, but must be received by landbank@michigan.gov with the subject “DeHoCo RFP Questions” by 3 p.m. on Sept. 27. Bids are due by 2 p.m. on Oct. 25 using the format provided in Section III of the RFP.

The site is located at 47500 Five Mile, between Ridge and Beck roads. The request for proposals can be viewed here.