Michigan Adds 100,000 Lightweighting-related Jobs in Last 5 Years


Employment in lightweighting-related careers is on the rise; increasing by more than 100,000 jobs in Michigan between 2009 and 2014, according to a new report from Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow and the Workforce Intelligence Network.

“Lightweighting in Michigan has, and will continue to be, a contributing factor to the vitality of our economy,” says Amy Cell, senior vice president of talent enhancement at Michigan Economic Development Corp. “As job demand continues to rise, higher education is essential for career readiness in order to meet industry demand and contribute to statewide economic growth.”

Lightweighting-related occupations include jobs in electrical and mechanical engineering, assembly and operations, logistics, and skilled materials. Lightweight materials are most often used in the automobile, aircraft, and defense manufacturing industries.

LIFT, a public-private partnership that is developing advanced lightweight materials manufacturing technologies and training programs in five states, recently opened a $148-million facility in Detroit’s Corktown district at 1400 Rosa Parks Blvd. It was the former headquarters of Mexican Industries.

“As lightweighting-related employment continues its gains, it is now more imperative than ever to work collaboratively as a region to fill the skills gap through proper education and job training,” says Emily Stover DeRocco, education and workforce director of LIFT.

DeRocco says there were more than 10,000 job postings in Michigan for lightweighting-related jobs in November and December.

To view the full report, click here.