As automotive products become more global and competitive, company nameplates have become more important, according to officials at Lapeer Plating and Plastics in Lapeer. The company manufactures high-visibility auto components, including nameplates.
Lighted badges and nameplates are one of the newest and hottest concepts in vehicle nomenclature, says Dean Harlow, CEO of Lapeer Plating and Plastics. The company designs lighted badges as well as in-chrome and paint-over-chrome designs and emblem inserts that provide color, depth, and metallic sheen to vehicle nameplates.
“The global markets are incredibly competitive, and manufacturers need their products to stand out,” says Harlow. “Nameplates are one important way to do that. We have to be progressive and innovative with our nameplate designs to grab consumers’ attention.”
Harlow also says the need for brand awareness and product differentiation has grown as the automotive market has segmented and globalized, bringing more competition and more nameplates.
“With nameplates, we’re essentially putting the signature on our customers’ products,” says Harlow, who worked at General Motors for 25 years. “The vehicle name, or brand, is its promise to customers. It has to be executed flawlessly.”
The company also produces exterior and interior decorative trims, ornamentation, moldings, and grilles, all of which help manufacturers to distinguish their vehicles. Lapeer provides components for General Motors, FCA, Ford, Nissan, Volkswagen, Tesla, and dozens of suppliers.
“Lighted badges are just beginning their transition from concept to production units,” says Harlow. “LP+P has an active R&D team that has been working on innovations like lighted badges. It’s our job to be ahead of the curve, so we’re ready to meet our customers’ needs on their timeline.”