Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital Plans Conference on Telemedicine, Remote Care


Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital in May will host a conference on the growing use of audio-video equipment by health care professionals to communicate, provide diagnosis, and offer remote patient health assessments. 

“One of the most promising aspects of connected health is the ability to provide better, faster care while engaging patients in their own treatments,” says Dr. Hassan Fehmi, director of medical education at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital, located on Maple Road, west of Drake Road.

Telemedicine is viewed as a cost-effective alternative to in-person medical care. Health care professionals can give consultations, suggest interventions, and supervise patients through wearable sensors or cameras.

“The conference will highlight the importance of connected care as a tool for improved quality and efficiency,” Fehmi says. “It’s our goal to bring together resources, innovators, and end-users to help advance this field of knowledge.”

Presenters include Dr. Gary Strumolo, global manager of wearables and health innovation at Ford Motor Co., Dr. Joseph Kvedar, vice president of connected health at Partners HealthCare System, and Sherilyn Pruitt, director for the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, among other professors and doctors.

The conference will offer an overview of telemedicine, federal activities that support telehealth, and information about remote patient monitoring.

To register, visit henryford.com/cmeevents