Guest Blog: Get the ‘Power’ Out of Your PowerPoint

Most people respond to visual content, and they respond strongly. Look at all the marketing content around you — the use of images, videos, and infographics are all meant to draw your attention to make a “purchase.”

Most people respond to visual content, and they respond strongly. Look at all the marketing content around you — the use of images, videos, and infographics are all meant to draw your attention to make a “purchase.”

Shouldn’t the visual content of a presentation do the same? The answer is yes.

Chances are you already have a PowerPoint. In it, does your brand’s personality shine? Is there visual consistency? Are the images, video, or audio applied driving your message? Is there a call to action? And most importantly, is your content easy to digest from beginning to end?

If these questions sound overwhelming, it’s because the art of presenting is a “science.” Understanding that there are advantages that can be taken is the first step in turning your next presentation into a profitable return for your investment.

Below are a few common questions I am asked about utilizing PowerPoint.

Q: How much should I spend on my presentation? Where should I start? How much money do I need to spend to maximize the return?

A: There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach or a certain cost per slide. There will be different answers to these questions for every presentation. However, they will all start with the same approach: starting with the end “goal” in mind. And in return, the end goal will prove substantial results for your return on investment.

If you’re already using PowerPoint for your sales team or use it to present to new investors or clients, but haven’t been getting the value you were expecting out of them, then it’s time to upgrade your expectations of PowerPoint and the value it could be driving for you.

Fear not. PowerPoint doesn’t have to look like PowerPoint.

PowerPoint is a very robust, sophisticated tool that has high performance features such as: animation, hyperlinking, embedding, and video export features. Creating documents such as interactive PDFs and easy to read financial reports are all ways to turn your business message from “eh,” to “wow”  — driving you towards what’s most important in your business — landing the sale and achieving your bottom-line results faster.

So next time, expect more and get more out of your PowerPoint — it’s an invaluable resource for communicating your business message effectively to drive the results your business needs today.

Tany Nagy is the owner of Pontiac-based Pulse Design Studio, a presentation and visual communications agency.