Gov. Rick Snyder Announces New Proposal To Improve Michigan’s Water Infrastructure


Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has announced a plan to improve Michigan’s water infrastructure by investing $110 million annually for critical updates.

Priority funding from the plan would be used for local projects, including water main and lead service line replacements, upgrades for failing infrastructure through a new emergency fund, and integrated asset management.

“Critical updates are necessary to rebuild our state’s failing water infrastructure,” Snyder says. “Investing in our state’s water infrastructure needs is essential to ensure every Michigander has access to safe drinking water, protecting our environment, and continuing our state’s outstanding economic growth.”

The state assessment on public water supply systems would be phased in with a $1 added per year to water bills for five years. Only customers of public water supply systems serving 1,000 people or more would be assessed.

Eighty percent of the assessment collected would be allocated to the region in which it was generated, ensuring the money raised stays in the communities that are providing it.