GM Predicts Engineering, Design Careers will be Top Jobs in 2025


General Motors Co. employees predict electrical engineers, interaction designers, and analytics experts will be the most in-demand jobs in 2025. In addition, 10 years from now the workplace may depend less on location than connectivity, such as eco-friendly workstations that offer collaborative environments catering to technology developers.

“Not many other industries can embrace the future so holistically,” says Gary Smyth, executive director of global research and development at GM. “We have battery chemists, electrical engineers, manufacturing experts, software developers, and social media operators all in one industry, working at making our lives easier and more productive.”

GM asked its employees what jobs they thought would be the top 10 careers in 2025. The careers they felt would be in demand are: electrical engineers, analytics experts, interaction designers, web programmers, autonomous driving engineers, customer care experts, sustainability integration experts, industrial engineers, 3-D printing engineers, and alternative propulsion engineers.

GM employees say more engineers will be needed to develop electrified and autonomous vehicles. 3D printing engineering jobs will be in demand as well as 3-D printing technology is developed and fully realized.

They also say experts in the fields of analytics, sustainability, and customer care will be important as companies look to use more alternative energy sources and interact with customers directly through social media.

GM employees say workplaces will depend less on location and more on connectivity, “such as eco-friendly workstations that offer collaborative environments catering to technology developers.”