Livonia-based EOS Worldwide announced its most recent acquisition of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)-based global learning platform, Rocket Fuel. EOS Worldwide states the deal will further develop the EOS Integrator Community as well as better care for and support companies that may also be running on EOS.
The EOS Integrator Community is a program that EOS Worldwide launched along with the acquisition of Rocket Fuel. Individuals who choose to join the EOS Integrator Community will be able to converse and work with fellow members with similar mindsets across a wideset of different industries around the world.
“Integrators are an entrepreneurial company’s secret weapon, and no company can achieve vision, traction, and health without a strong Integrator at its core,” says Mark C. Winters, founder of Rocket Fuel. “Joining forces with EOS Worldwide will raise the profile of Integrators as well as raise the bar on the skills they need to succeed.”
The free program also offers different subsets of communities for users to join in effort to make networking as simple as possible. Currently, the two categories for members to join are the visionary-only and the hybrid “LaunchPad” visionary/integrator communitys.
“A healthy visionary/integrator dynamic is already the most powerful pairing in business and joining Rocket Fuel with EOS Worldwide multiplies that power,” says Kelly Knight, EOS Worldwide integrator. “We’re also excited that Integrators will now have a community where they can dig deeper into the EOS toolbox and learn from others on their EOS journey — something visionaries have long enjoyed.”
In addition to the acquisition and the EOS Integrator Community, EOS Worldwide has also launched an EOS Integration Certification program. Previously, EOS Worldwide only offered an intro class as well as an integrator masterclass.
Now, students and individuals who have completed the Master Class, will now be able to further their studies and engage in a robust Professional Certification program that places students into actual EOS Integrator roles. Eventually, EOS Worldwide will also provide visionaries and integrators with Rocket Fuel University training, programming, and recruiting resources.
“Without a strong Integrator, a Visionary is just a dreamer,” says Mark O’Donnell, CEO of EOS Worldwide. “Having the community of EOS Implementers team up with Rocket Fuel’s excellent coaches, teachers, and facilitators will take entrepreneurial success to the next level when the world needs it most.”
To join or engage in the EOS Integrator Community, click on the following link to register: RocketFuelUniversity.com