DTE Energy has issued a Request for Proposal for a package of energy-efficiency programs, which includes the distribution and installation of low-cost energy-efficiency measures and entails outreach events that educate customers about the impact of their energy usage.
“These programs have a lot of similarities in the equipment that is provided to customers,” says Luis Salas, manager of energy efficiency residential programs at DTE. “There’s a lot of synergies amongst these programs, and that’s why were looking for someone to manage them all together.”
The programs included in the RFP are already established DTE programs, such as home energy consultations, energy-efficiency assistance, home energy surveys, a multifamily program, and a school program.
For one program, DTE employees installed energy-efficient light bulbs and showerheads, free of charge. For another, they do presentations about energy usage in elementary and middle schools, and provide students with an energy efficiency kit, so they can install light bulbs and low cost efficiency equipment at home.
Another area of importance is to reduce the energy use of income-qualified homeowners through home improvements at no cost to homeowners.
The contract will be issued for the 2016 and 2017 calendar years, with the potential for an additional optional year.
Contractors interested in receiving more information about the RFP should send their contact information, referencing EE Bundle 1 RFP, to EORFP@dteenergy.com no later than Monday.