Detroit Summit to Address Automotive Cyber Security Challenges


With more than 20 million connected cars forecasted to be on the road by 2020, a new summit in Detroit from the International Quality and Productivity Center in New York City aims to address rising cyber security challenges within the auto industry.

The debut Automotive Cyber Security Summit, to be held March 30-April 1 at the DoubleTree Hilton Suites Detroit, will explore the types of security threats and hacking risks facing the automotive industry, especially as they relates to the use of wireless communication in vehicles and the analysis of the cyber security lifecycle.

According to event organizers, most of the essential functions within a connected vehicle are susceptible to cyber attacks from hackers, which is why the summit will bring together CTOs, CSOs, engineers, and IT professionals from companies including General Motors Co., KIA, Nissan, Bosch, and Qualcomm to discuss possible solutions addressing those concerns.

Sessions will cover connected vehicle security and privacy, providing a safe environment for customers, Delphi’s cyber security approach, and infrastructure protection challenges. There will also be live-hacking demonstration that will show the real implications of insufficient network security.

For more information about the event, visit