Detroit Medical Center Eases Visitor Restrictions at All Locations

The Detroit Medical Center Monday announced it has loosened visitor restrictions at all of its locations. Under the new plan, each hospitalized patient may have one visitor at a time, and visitors for procedural care, the emergency department, and clinic patients can wait in designated COVID SAFE areas.
DMC COVID SAFE zone sign
DMC has eased visitor restrictions and added signs to keep guests in COVID-19-free areas. // Photo courtesy of the Detroit Medical Center

The Detroit Medical Center Monday announced it has loosened visitor restrictions at all of its locations. Under the new plan, each hospitalized patient may have one visitor at a time, and visitors for procedural care, the emergency department, and clinic patients can wait in designated COVID SAFE areas.

All visitors must be 18 or older. Upon arrival, visitors will be asked a series of screening questions and have their temperature taken. Visitors are required to wear masks and asked to sanitize their hands and observe social distancing rules.

Patients who have COVID-19 or exhibit virus symptoms will not be allowed to have visitors.

DMC’s COVID SAFE zones are located throughout its hospitals, including in the emergency departments for non-COVID-19 care. Signage is in place for these zones as well as for COVID CARE zones. Any confirmed and potential COVID-19 patients are immediately separated into these care zones.

Waiting areas, lobbies, elevators, and patient registration locations are marked to promote social distancing. Hand sanitizing stations are located in areas across facilities, and all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected regularly.

At other area hospitals, Southfield-based Beaumont Health now allows each patient who does not have or is not suspected of having COVID-19 may have one person visit each day during the hours of 8 a.m.-8 p.m. There are exceptions to this rule for patients in serious or critical condition, patients at end-of-life, women in labor, and more.

All visitors must be screened and wear a mask, and the health system is taking additional steps to promote social distancing and disinfect surfaces. More information is available here.

One visitor per patient is allowed at Detroit-based Henry Ford Health System facilities unless otherwise specified. Critically ill patients and others, as determined by each facility, are allowed two visitors that may visit on a rotating basis throughout the day. Visitors must wear masks and are screened upon entering. More information is available here.