Detroit Garment Group presents Wearable Technology Exhibition at Lear Innovation Center


Detroit Garment Group today presented a wearable technology exhibition at the Lear Innovation Center in downtown Detroit. The exhibition featured designs by Anina Net of 360Fashion Network in Traverse City, a company that specializes in fashion technology. The event showcased smart garments, accessories, robotic clothing, and new materials.

“The idea is, how do we integrate these wearables with our everyday clothing?” says Net, founder and developer of 360Fashion Network and 360Fash Tech Kits. “Primarily they’re created by engineers, so what my company does is we work with fashion designers and we work with engineers and were putting them together, because now is the time to create beautifully technologically enhanced garments and accessories.”

360Fashion Network works with designers to integrate the latest technologies into their brands. During the exhibition, guests were given a guided tour through various wearable technology displays. The exhibition included displays of LED ribbons that allow flexibility while sewing lights into other materials such as 3D-printed clothing, accessories, and laser and robotic dresses by Michal Starost.

Additionally, attendees were able to view the launch of a new e-textile fabric. The fabric takes sewn textile buttons that are soft, flexible, and washable and may be integrated into any material, clothing, or upholstery. The fabric eliminates the use for hard touch screens.

“We think the world will become interactive, where there is no phone,” adds Net.

360Fashion Network plans to continue working with DGG and other local designers to create new fashion tech products.