Detroit-based Compuware Corp. today announced it acquired MVS Solutions and its popular ThruPut Manager mainframe batch automation technology. The acquisition is Compuware’s fourth in the past year, and rounds out the company’s goal of providing innovative mainframe technology.
The ThruPut Manager automatically and intelligently optimizes the processing of batch jobs. By balancing workload and improving back throughout, ThruPut Manager can deliver companies significant savings, including the avoidance of software license fees.
The newly-acquired program is designed to deliver user-friendly insight into batch processing and better prioritize the system based on business-based policies and goals by selecting the most urgent jobs first. ThruPut also benefits from increased data center control and proper batch execution by verifying that jobs have all the resources they need for a successful completion.
More mainframe resources are also available for mobile, web, and cloud applications as better managed batch workloads reduce overall demand.
“Compuware is the perfect home for ThruPut Manager and MVS Solutions’ customers,” says Murray L. Martin, an officer and vice president of MVS Solutions. “Compuware has demonstrated both a unique understanding of the new challenges mainframe owners face as mainframe workloads are increasingly driven by complex cross-platform applications and a unique commitment to addressing those challenges.”
Compuware’s acquisition of MVS Solutions comes on the heels of three acquisitions made in 2016: ISPW’s Source Code Management and Deployment technology, Integration’s SCM migration practice, and most recently, COPE IMS virtualization technology from Standardware, a key strategy in maintaining digital competitiveness regarding large global enterprises.