Bloomfield Hills’ Sqwirrel Develops COVID-19 Spread Tracking App

Bloomfield Hills’ Sqwirrel LLC has developed a patent-pending technology that could be a tool in managing the exposure of COVID-19 through a contact tracing app. It could help control the virus’ spread.
The ViralTrak app warns users when they have been exposed to other app users who have COVID-19. // Image courtesy of Sqwirrel

Bloomfield Hills’ Sqwirrel LLC has developed a patent-pending technology that could be a tool in managing the exposure of COVID-19 through a contact tracing app. It could help control the virus’ spread.

The app, ViralTrak, follows the interaction of app members in their vicinity from the time of download. It uses cellphone location tracking technology to identify which members have been within CDC recommended parameters of the self-reported positive members over a 14-day period.

“We first announced our solution on March 30,” says Varchasvi Shankar, president and CEO of ViralTrak. “If any app members test positive, they simply press a button in the app. All app members who have been in the CDC recommended distance of the positive member in the past 14-day period would be notified of possible exposure.”

The solution identifies primary and secondary exposure and can be used in companies, schools, cities, counties, or states. It will not collect any personal information to maintain security around privacy.

“This app went from ideation to fully functioning app in just a couple of weeks using our technology framework and solutions,” says Arun Shanbhag, vice president of global delivery. “We are currently working to develop additional use cases for corporations and general users to implement within their facilities. These features will be available after we launch our first version.”

The app is in the testing phase and is expected to be available for download on Apple and Android products next week.

“This app can save lives and aid significantly in business continuity to identify exposed individuals within companies using our integrated technology solution,” says Shankar.

Sqwirrel is a subsidiary of V2Soft Inc., a technology solutions, product development, and consulting company based in Bloomfield Hills.