Ann Arbor’s new minor league soccer team kicks off their inaugural season with a game tonight against San Marino.
“We’re really excited, we think that the team is very good and that there’s going to be a little something for everyone to enjoy that comes tonight,” says Rishi Narayan, co-owner of AFC Ann Arbor.
AFC Ann Arbor was founded in 2014 as a way to bring minor league soccer to Ann Arbor and Southeast Michigan. Narayan says he’s spent the past five months working with local sponsors and businesses, friends, family, soccer enthusiasts in the community, local youth soccer clubs to put the season and team together. The team features players from Ann Arbor, as well as players from European countries such as England and Switzerland.
He says the game at 7 p.m. will feature live music from Dave Menzo before the game. The Tree of Life Drum and Dance Society will be in the crowd and will play throughout the game.
“We have some local food trucks that are going to be participating and throughout the season we’re going to be rotating in other food trucks,” Narayan says.
The season runs through July 25. To purchase tickets, visit