Thought Leaders

Blog: The Skilled Labor Workforce and the American Prison System

Titan Gilroy is an in-your-face change agent with a TV show on MavTV called Titan American Built, who wants to solve the skilled trades gap, specifically in the computer numeric controlled (CNC) space. He is willing to start at the lowest level of the American workforce, the prison system, and he is willing to teach the inmates at no cost.

Blog: Entry-Level Employee Blues

What do restaurants, retailers, landscapers, and manufacturers have in common — they all need entry-level workers. And, where do companies typically have their largest area of turnover — entry-level workers. Lastly, what segment of the workforce has the highest unemployment rate? Entry-level workers.

Blog: So the Story Goes… Finding Meaning in a Data-Rich Age

In this modern age, there is more data and information being captured, collected and catalogued than ever before in the history of humankind. Who are the storytellers and where are the stories that will bring this data to life?

Blog: Heart, Sound, and Soul: Motown, Music, and Human-Centered Design

Lately, I've been wondering if it's possible to run a successful business targeting people as your central, most important resource. Beyond the standard, corporate culture and human resource platitudes, does human-centered business design really work? Then I went to visit Hitsville U.S.A., where from two modest houses in Detroit came a sound that changed the world.

Blog: Millennials Open Up the Job Hopping Door

Much has been written, maybe too much has been written, about the job-hopping trend that millennials in the workforce has caused.

Blog: Smiling Makes You More Articulate

Have you ever noticed that when a photographer says, “Smile!” that the smiles people make end up looking a little fake in the photo? Smiling, although natural, can be complicated. That’s probably why we don’t do it more often, even when we’re being photographed.

Blog: Is Full Employment a Good Thing?

In February, Fortune magazine declared that the U.S. was at “full employment.” While not every economist is in full agreement with the magazine, there is significant evidence that the labor market is drying up for employers who need to add employees or replace employees who are retiring or leaving for new job opportunities.

Blog: Driving Super Performance: Culture, Process, and the Balance Between

Small companies often succeed on sheer will and raw talent. Large companies build strength and power through the mechanics of process innovation. But neither model is sustainable.

Blog: The Impact of Mindfulness in Life and Work

In classical folklore and literature, the antagonist or force of evil uses distraction as a tool to trip up and defeat the hero. The villain confuses the hero by preoccupying him/her with either events from the past or fears of the future. This tactic prevents the hero from focusing on the present and dealing with the task at hand.

Blog: Redefining the Standard Definition of ‘Smart’

When I was a kid growing up in the 1980s, my parents drilled into my head, "Go to college to get a good job." The implication being that, if I earned a four-year degree, a good paying job would follow because I had secured that college diploma. Recently, I had the chance to speak with some college educators, including a college dean, and was stunned to find out that from within the academic world, the interpretation now is very different.


