How to Prevent a Buyer from Backing Out of an Agreement
One of David Sandler’s classic selling rules sounds like a bit of a riddle when you first hear it: Don’t buy back tomorrow the product or service you sold today. Why would you ever do that? Who would want to? And under what circumstances would it possibly happen?
Where There’s Chaos, There’s Opportunity
Michigan is at its best when entrepreneurs see a need and create a solution
RRight Now Communications
RRight Now Communications, a boutique communication consultancy, uses innovative and gold standard strategies to solve some of the most complex communications problems for our clients through strategic/crisis communications, public speaking coaching/media interview training, and media relations/stakeholder engagement.
When It Comes to Mobility, Michigan Is Where the Action Is – Part 2
Jessica Robinson, co-founder of the Assembly Ventures mobility-focused venture capital fund, and Trevor Pawl, head of Michigan’s Office of Future Mobility and Electrification, know better than anyone just what it takes for startups to leverage resources and succeed in Michigan’s autonomous and electrified vehicle technology space.
3 Tips for Planning a Successful Virtual Event in 2021
From automotive manufacturers to locally-owned yoga studios, in the past year, organizations of all sizes in seemingly every industry have embraced virtual events and webinars to reach their audience.
Guess What? Money Does Grow on Trees!
Believe it or not, your parents were wrong. Money actually does grow on trees. That’s one of the essential Sandler Selling Rules.
Fortaris Capital Advisors – Kevin M. Cronin
Kevin M. Cronin is a highly credentialed business and security executive with over 25 years of experience, including serving as Vice President, Global Crisis Management & Security for a leading E-commerce company, Senior Managing Director for a financial restructuring firm, Department of Homeland Security Special Agent and police sergeant.
Where There’s Chaos, There’s Opportunity – Part 2
Shifting from promotional to pandemic, TentCraft delivers
CMC Family Law Group
Going through a major life event such as marriage or divorce is a significant and stressful experience for all parties involved, including children.