The Conversation Prism and Social Media Madness

We have more tools and technology to communicate now than ever before.

I’m sure this will make me sound like a dinosaur, but I can remember when the way we communicated came from only four sources — word-of-mouth, radio, television, and print. Those days are long gone.

I recently came across the Conversation Prism, created by Brian Solis and JESS3. The Conversation Prism is a compelling graphic that gives you a whole view of the communication universe, categorized and also organized by how people use each network.

The creators update the prism often, deleting the “dead planets and stars” from the universe and adding new ones as they are created.

It’s very intimidating just to look at the Conversation Prism — see for yourself (

It’s no wonder that we’re all on information overload. We have more tools and technology to communicate now than ever before.

What’s most fascinating about our culture of high-tech communication is that the landscape is ever-changing. The big players have to grow, acquire and innovate in order to stay on top of social media heap.

So what does all of this mean for us? It means, don’t get too comfortable or dependent upon any one communication technology because it may be obsolete before you know it.

Just ask my mom and dad who still have a rotary wall phone in their kitchen.