Objections to Persuasion — 5 Cool Ideas for Getting to “Yes”


We’re all in sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re a titled salesperson pitching a product or a mid-level manager trying to get your team to learn a new software program. Your ability to persuade is central to your success in business.

That’s why you must know how to deal with objections. Here are five of nine ways to change “no” into “yes.”

Objections to Persuasion—5 Cool Ideas for Getting to “Yes”

1. Listen to what they don’t say. 

These types of “invisible” objections are deadly because they’re not evidential. In this instance, the customer has concerns with your offering but doesn’t inform you. The best way to uncover hidden objections is to let the prospect talk more. Ask open-ended questions, lean forward, listen intently, and watch for “tells” or physical indications of what the person is thinking. The more a prospect talks to you, the more likely that he or she will articulate what’s keeping him from buying in.

2. Appreciate the show-off.

Sometimes prospects try to show you how much they already know about your product or service. These people are often looking for a form of appreciation or validation, so give it to them. Tell the person how impressed you are by how much they know. Make your message sincere and he is much more likely to warm up to you and your message.

3. Validate the know-it-all.

These types of objections offer empirical evidence that counter your message. People who make these objections need to be intellectually convinced that your idea is a good one. Unfortunately, know-it-all types are not likely to change their minds. Rather than trying to convince them, use a negotiation technique called “triangulation.” For example, if you are working with someone on a customer service initiative, respectively remind the know-it-all that what matters most is what the customer thinks. This takes the objection off the table and allows your agenda to move forward.

4. Include higher authority early on. 

You have made your presentation and everything is going great. Then, the person suddenly announces that he needs to take the idea to his boss or a third-party. You can overcome the higher authority objection by making sure that the third-party is involved early. Always ask this question early in the persuasion process: Who else has a stake in this?  

5. Not everyone likes you; get over it. 

These ad hominem objections are aimed at you as a person.  If this happens, it’s important to not become defensive. Meanwhile, think “QTIP” and Quit Taking It Personally. A second technique is to replace yourself as the persuader so that someone with more appeal closes the deal. Remain calm, confident, positive, and polite throughout the interchange.

To see the complete list of nine ways of getting to “yes,” visit Michael’s blog at http://www.michaelangelocaruso.com/9-ways-for-getting-to-“yes”