Am I Understood?


There are so many options available to the businessperson — once they have decided to go outside of their backyard. Let’s be heard.

What does your website look like? Compare it to others in your business. How about those in a similar field doing business internationally? We discussed in earlier blogs the importance of colors, numbers, and symbols. You might be turning off someone you are attempting to build a relationship with and not even realize it.

Take a moment, re-examine what you are saying in your website. Is your message clear? It needs to reach out to your current customers, but how about those you are reaching out to beyond your borders, wherever they are? You might want to tweak it to be more global. For example: Is you basic information available in “their” language? You are building those relationships; let those new relations see by your actions that you are willing to separate yourself from your counter-parts.

I know you are saying to yourself, we speak to each other on the phone and skype in English, what’s the problem? Why should I consider translation? What steps should I take to show my new relationship that I respect their language, their culture?

Keep in mind, now that the playing field has been leveled, it is time to step up your game and distinguish why your new relation should work with you and not someone else. Creating materials for this client to review and work with in their native tongue shows your willingness to reach out to them. In addition it shows that you, the businessperson, realize business goes both ways! This new business realizes two (2) important concepts: 1st you value them and 2nd you accept the differences and still believe in doing business together.

Now you are truly communicating and are on target for global growth.