Home Authors Posts by Michael Angelo Caruso

Michael Angelo Caruso


Blog: Smiling Makes You More Articulate

Have you ever noticed that when a photographer says, “Smile!” people in the photograph often look a little fake?

BLOG: Predictable Persuasion

Behavioral psychologists know that a number of life situations present themselves over and over again to parents, business leaders, teenagers, and customer service representatives.

Blog: Smiling Makes You More Articulate

Have you ever noticed that when a photographer says, “Smile!” that the smiles people make end up looking a little fake in the photo? Smiling, although natural, can be complicated. That’s probably why we don’t do it more often, even when we’re being photographed.

Blog: PowerPoint Rules are Simple, Yet …

I'll never be out of work. I teach presentation skills, so I spend a lot of time covering best practices for using Microsoft PowerPoint, the best — and — worst thing to happen to the presentation business in the last 20 years.

Blog: Writing Tips from Elmore Leonard

The late Elmore "Dutch" Leonard was the author of more than three dozen books. Leonard, who lived in Bloomfield Hills, published these rules to good writing. I've formatted his terrific tips as five cool ideas for better writing.

Blog: When Selling, Ask the Right Question

When asking questions of prospects, it's important to think ahead. In many instances, sellers worry too much about getting the right answer and not enough about asking the right question. Thinking a few steps ahead can solve a lot of problems before they happen.

Guest Blog: 5 Cool Ideas for Running a Meeting

Only three things happen at meetings: Announcements are made, ideas are discussed, and action is taken. Here are five cool ways to run a meeting.

5 Cool Ideas for Becoming a Public Speaker

Through the years, I’ve helped many people get started in the speaking business. Here are the five coolest ideas I have for becoming a public speaker.

Blog: 5 Cool Ideas for Becoming a Public Speaker

Through the years, I’ve helped many people get started in the speaking business. Here are the five coolest ideas I have for becoming a public speaker.

5 Cool Ideas for Staying In Control

Everything we do has rewards and consequences. You can control various forms of pleasure and pain if you understand the linkage between thoughts, emotions, behavior, and reward. Thoughts, for example, usually lead to emotions. Emotions drive behavior. Behavior determines reward. Do you have complete control over your own thoughts, emotions, and behavior?


