Home Authors Posts by Megan Torrance

Megan Torrance


3 Paths to Office Zen

We tend to think of stress as the enemy — a silent force that causes our heart to race, sweat to pour, and lets panic creep in whenever we start to feel pressure. Research complied by Montreal-based Officevibe shows that 77 percent of employees regularly experience physical symptoms of stress, and 73 percent regularly experience emotional symptoms from stress.

Blog: 3 Paths to Office Zen

We tend to think of stress as the enemy — a silent force that causes our heart to race, sweat to pour, and lets panic creep in whenever we start to feel pressure.

Blog: Stand Up Desks Becoming More Acceptable

Standing up at the office was once relegated to stretching before a coffee break or lingering at the copy machine while chatting about your weekend with a coworker.

Guest Blog: 4 Ways to Get Creative

We often think of creativity as an innate trait — something that you either have or you don’t have. And if you’re been staring at a blank screen, you’re feeling like you don’t have it. Want to get unstuck? Here are four ways to get the juices flowing and start thinking creatively.

Guest Blog: It’s Time for You to be the Mentor

There’s a point in your career when you realize that the next step for you is to help someone else achieve his or her goals. It’s time for you to be the mentor.

Guest Blog: Resolve Office Conflict Productively

Let’s be real: The office can’t always be sunshine and rainbows. Conflict happens. There are bound to be disagreements, power struggles, and the occasional quarrel over “borrowing” someone else’s chips in the break room.


