Home Authors Posts by Medina Hunter

Medina Hunter


The Hybrid Woman

To work or not to work? Just when you thought the Mommy wars were over, they’re back in full force.

Competitors or Challengers?

Competitors are great gifts from the “business gods.” Let’s face it, if there were no competitors, how would you be able to rate yourself? For that matter, how could you rate the organization that you dedicate your time to? Women, like men, are competitive in nature. It all started in third grade when you noticed Becky’s hair was thicker, curlier, and longer.

Swing And A Miss!

My phone rang on a recent workday morning. On the other end was a client of mine. The conversation went like this: “Hi Medina, I just hired a new marketing rep and I was wondering if I could bring her by so you could meet her? I value your opinion. I need to know what you think, and how you size her up ability wise.” “Sure.” I exclaimed, “Bring her by.”

Nurturing Nemesis: Why Can’t I Close a Business Deal?

Let's face it; you’re a dynamic, well versed, and charismatic saleswomen (or man). If you didn't possess such traits, you wouldn't be in sales. But for whatever reason, you’re not closing. I personally prescribe to the philosophy that people buy people.

Does Your Timing Need a Total Reconstruction?

Because women are programmed to multi-task like robots, we end up doing too many things. As a result, we wind up wasting time and energy.


