Thought Leaders

Building Today’s Workforce One Burrito at a Time

If someone offered you a new job that provided you with a clear career path, more money, and you would be working with an internal management team devoted toward your success, would you leave your current position?

Blog: Technology on Our Minds: Thinking in the Modern World

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”

3 Paths to Office Zen

We tend to think of stress as the enemy — a silent force that causes our heart to race, sweat to pour, and lets panic creep in whenever we start to feel pressure. Research complied by Montreal-based Officevibe shows that 77 percent of employees regularly experience physical symptoms of stress, and 73 percent regularly experience emotional symptoms from stress.

Blog: 3 Paths to Office Zen

We tend to think of stress as the enemy — a silent force that causes our heart to race, sweat to pour, and lets panic creep in whenever we start to feel pressure.

The Evolution of Your Career and the Consistency of Change

Back in elementary school, we were all exposed to historical timelines to help visualize key moments and events in history. Unfortunately, these tools gave us the false impression that time was linear and ran in a logical sequence of days, months, and years.

Flint — The Transformation to Hero Town USA From Crime Town USA

When I think of Hero Town USA, I think of a city like Gotham from the Marvel comic books. That was until recently, when...

Blog: The Evolution of Your Career and the Consistency of Change

Too often, we look at our career development as a succession of events and experiences that occur over time. Ideally, these experiences become the building blocks for a career that continues to grow, expand, and flourish.

Blog: Flint — The Transformation to Hero Town USA From Crime Town USA

When I think of Hero Town USA, I think of a city like Gotham from the Marvel comic books. That was until recently, when I learned that metro Detroiters have their own Hero Town close by.

Employers Should Ask, ‘Why are Employees Jumping Ship?’

Experts agree that this year may be the beginning of a growing trend in employees jumping ship for better opportunities. A recent survey conducted...

Blog: Stand Up Desks Becoming More Acceptable

Standing up at the office was once relegated to stretching before a coffee break or lingering at the copy machine while chatting about your weekend with a coworker.


