Royal Oak’s Vectorform, DTE Energy Launch Energy Saving App


Vectorform, a design and technology firm in downtown Royal Oak, and DTE Energy in Detroit, created and launched a mobile platform that allows residential customers to reduce energy consumption and increase savings. Today’s announcement was made at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

“DTE Energy became the first utility to offer an interactive, real-time mobile application tool for customers to understand and reduce their energy usage,” says Dave Meador, DTE Energy’s vice chairman and chief administrative officer. “This joint venture will help take the technology to other utilities looking for similar solutions.”

The mobile platform, called Powerley, is designed to allow utility companies to present real-time energy consumption information to their customers, he says.

Customers will be able to track their energy consumption patterns, and complete breakdowns of their energy consumption. The app also features personalized energy-savings tips and reward points for saving energy and completing challenges.

By combining Android and iPhone devices with the Powerley Energy Bridge and a home’s advanced meter, the platform provides utility customers with complete, real-time breakdowns of their energy consumption, and empowers customers to reduce their utility costs and become more engaged with their friends and family about energy usage.

“We are proud of the collaborative experience we’ve had with DTE Energy to deliver an innovative and groundbreaking energy-efficiency program to Michigan residents,” says Jason Vazzano, CEO and co-founder of Vectorform. “Powerley will bring the world’s most innovative and insightful Home Energy Management Platform to utilities and their customers throughout the U.S. and globally.”

Powerley features include:

  • The fastest real-time energy platform designed to give customers a second-by-second look into their energy consumption data.
  • Personalized energy-saving tips and projects that suggest and encourage home improvement projects specific to each home.
  • Weekly challenges designed to engage and reward users for saving energy.
  • A community where users can connect with friends, build groups, compare performance, share encouragement, and view energy-saving insights.
  • Reward points that can be earned as customers save energy and complete challenges.
  • The patent-pending PowerScan tool gives iPhone users the ability to hold their phone up to the power cord of any electrical appliance to view its energy consumption and monthly operating cost.

For more information about Vectorform and DTE Energy, check out the “Smart Structures” article in DBusiness’s March/April issue.