Broder & Sachse Creates Residential Management Team


BIRMINGHAM — Broder & Sachse Real Estate Services has created a residential management team to further focus its services in the multifamily real estate segment as this housing sector continues to improve beyond post-recession vacancy and rental rates. 

“As our client base grows in the multifamily sector, it is important to have a dedicated team to continue building customer relationships and delivering superior levels of service,” said Richard Broder, C.P.M., CEO, Broder & Sachse Real Estate Services. “These bright-minded individuals all have incredible property management experience and I am confident in their abilities to push our company forward in this market sector.” 

The residential management team includes: 

  • Sarah Girand, director of apartment management
  • Mary Cheney, director of apartment management 
  • Michelle Beckwith, regional apartment manager
  • Scott Wallace, assistant regional manager
  • Scott Ryan, director of multifamily marketing