DTE/ESD Energy Conference Addresses MI Industries’ Efficiency Needs


tSOUTHFIELD — What do schools, grocery stores, small businesses and restaurants have in common? The need to find ways to become more energy efficient in order to save money and improve their bottom line. The DTE Energy/Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD) Energy Conference and Exhibition to be held May 2, 2012 from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., will focus on the needs of these and other service sectors, as well as provide attendees with innovative ways to save energy, learn about implementable programs, as well as available funding opportunities.

tIn addition, the conference will feature a keynote presentation by Albert M. Berriz, CEO, Board Member and Shareholder of McKinley, on the topic of Energy Efficiency as an Economic Tool for businesses.  He will outline opportunities that exist for businesses through utility energy efficiency programs and how business leaders that value energy efficiency will improve their efforts to compete in the global marketplace.
tWith more than 800 people slated to attend, three jam-packed educational tracks, and dozens of exhibitors, the conference is hailed as the largest of its kind in Michigan.

tNew this year, the event will feature The Connection Point: Two afternoon opportunities that will allow attendees to connect with exhibitors and suppliers for networking and even potential business partnerships.

tCost to attend the conference is $65 for ESD members; $85 for non-members or join ESD for half price.

tThis conference is open to the public. For more information, please call Tim Walker at 248-353-0735, ext. 115 or twalker@esd.org. To register, visit www.esd.org