State Park Lodging Nearly Full for Holiday Weekend


LANSING — This holiday weekend, many of Michigan’s 102 state parks will see an increase in occupants.

“There are some campsites remaining, but the word is out. Michigan’s state parks are a great place to enjoy the holiday weekend,” says Ron Olson, DNR Parks and Recreation division chief. 

Weekend occupancy for all types of lodging was projected at 92.7 percent for the upcoming weekend, while it was 88.6 percent at the same time last year.

“This year seems to be an extremely good year for camping,” says Jeremy Spell, unit manager at Aloha State Park on Mullett Lake in Cheboygan County. “We typically don’t book to capacity this fast for the holiday weekend.” 

In addition to state parks, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources offers camping at state forest campgrounds.

A Recreation Passport, available for purchase at the time of Michigan license plate renewal through the Secretary of State, will grant vehicle access to any Michigan state park, boat launch, state forest campground, or non-motorized state trailhead parking. The passport is priced at $11 for automobiles and $5 for motorcycles, and can also be purchased during regular business hours at state parks.

Camp nights are available at several of Michigan’s state parks, while others have already filled up. Visit or call 1-800-447-2757 to check availability and make a reservation.