5 Cool Ideas for Sucking Up to Your Boss


If you want your boss to notice you, you must distinguish yourself from other employees. Volunteer for work that no one else wants to do. Send thank you cards. Share information and continue to improve. Here are 5 Cool Ideas for sucking up to your boss.

1.  Continue to make yourself unique and distinct.
tAll employees have value, but some employees have more value than others. Find strategic ways to create more value in your communication skill set.

2.  Always be the first to volunteer.
tHeroes do what no one else wants to do. Always be the first to volunteer. Volunteer for any and all duties. Remember that heroes do things that no one else is willing to do. Constantly offer to help solve problems. New responsibilities may represent new mountains, but “thars gold in them thar hills.”

3.  Sending periodic “thank you cards” will serve you well.
tOut of nowhere, send your boss a hand-written card that mentions how much you enjoy working at the company. Send the card to the boss’s home. Be specific about why you are thankful and always reference a positive future.

4.  Become your boss’s clipping service.
A clipping service provides clients with copies of noteworthy articles from media coverage. Periodically deliver such articles to your boss. Make sure the articles are from respected publications that he or she is not likely to read on their own. Also, be sure the subject matter is related to current, work-related problems.

5.  Expose yourself as a self-improver.
tThe next time you and your boss go to lunch, offer to drive. On your way into work that day, play a compact disc version of a professional development audio program. Leave the program running when you turn off the engine and leave the CD case on the passenger seat when you go into the office. When your boss gets into the car, he will read the case as he moves it from the seat. When you turn the key on the ignition, the sound of the professional development audio program will fill the air. After a few seconds, casually turn it off. Your boss will notice that you are one of the only people at the company who is pursuing professional development on your own time.